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The Trial Of Andres Bonifacio The Appeal Philosophy Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Philosophy
Wordcount: 1948 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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How the man of freedom suddenly became traitor? How does it feel? And how does it feel to be sentenced death by telling the truth? We all know that history gives us the knowledge that we can use in our daily living. History also rectifies the wrongs about the past events, and it is used as guide by setting example which leads us to be smarter than they are before.

The objectives of this book that is said by Leslie E. Bauzon (University of Tsukuba, Japan) are: To make us understand the developmental and originating causes of the issues and social dilemmas confronting the Philippines, to help us transcend the reputation of history as being concerned mainly with the past that is long dead: and to make the past alive by demonstrating how it molded the present, with the knowledge derived from his study being an important input toward the formulation of appropriate policies and legislation leading to the solution of our social dilemmas as a nation, such as compartmentalized administration of justice.

Another thing is, this book uses an innovative method in historical investigation, shows the dynamic nature of history and how it influences and shapes the present by using the legal anatomy of the proceeding, the verdict and the sentence imposed against the Bonifacios and the imaginary appeal involving petitioners, respondents and the solicitor general.

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The trial of Bonifacio: The Appeal is a compilation of testimonies of some katipuneros regarding the authority of their “Supremo” (Andres Bonifacio), the said meetings on their house together with his beloved brother’s procopio and ciriaco and the truth behind the assassination thing on Emilio Aguinaldo, resumé of evidence including the guns that owned by Andres Bonifacio and the decisions as well.

As the notes say:

The Trial of Andres Bonifacio: The Appeal will attempt to answer historians’ (and students’) questions about the executions of the Great Plebian where they should have probably been answered from the beginning-along the sidebars of a judge’s bench. Here, the question is before the “Supreme Court” in an imaginary appeal in which the “heirs” of Andes Bonifacio and Procopio Bonifacio (on the assumption that there are such petitioners) demand a “vindication”, as the heirs of the supremo would probably be before the Supreme Court had the supremo been tried, convicted, and sentenced today (assuming the death penalty were permissible).

Addition to the objectives based on the notes, this book was organized to help the historians as well as the students to answer the question with regards on the execution of the late Andres Bonifacio.

Also, the opinions of different personalities such as Hon. Onofre D. Corpuz, Ph.D, Hon. Haydee Yorac, and Hon. Froilan Bacungan about this book gave another substance that will probably use as a guide also in obtaining the authors objectives.

When we read this book, most of us felt bad about the sentenced gave to the Bonifacio brothers. A prejudiced or an unfair treatment came from the revolutionary government.

III. Critical Analysis

The Trial of Andres Bonifacio: The Appeal

Prior to the title

“It is weird!” – Shanalou Dela Cruz

Having the “The Appeal” is only comes with the one who make appeal about the sentenced he/she got. And knowing that Bonifacios brothers are already died who will file the appeal? Where does the appeal come from?

After reading, we found out that “The Appeal” is only assumption which is used to for the legal anatomy of the proceeding that will help in obtaining the objectives of the author.

“This will be boring!” -Christine Joy Pino

“The Trial of Andres Bonifacio” as the title gives us an assumptions that this will be a boring one to read because from the word trial it takes so long to be done and had a multiple pages to be read.

After reading, we did not expect what we’ve got. We find ourselves full of emotions and questions on our minds. What kind of justice we have in the past? Are they in their proper state of mind? Somewhat like that. Admitting that we are wrong by the assumption we’ve been said. This book is really interesting one from the trial up to the appeal case. From the death sentenced to bringing up the dignity.

The Body

The use of legal anatomy of proceeding as the body of this book gave us an easier reading time because it is understandable even though we are not related on any law institutions as well as law taking schools. It is like an example of filed case on any court with a simplified version.

“The war council should be convicted not the Bonifacio brothers” – Julie Logina

After knowing that the war council considered the sole testimony of pedro giron, my member and I was disappointed to the war council as well as in the trial. The trial should always be fair and it should always be in the path of truth.

Based on the appeal, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was not the legitimate president and he did not have any right to order the trial, and the investigating officers as prosecutor and preliminary judge, a “legal anomaly” that deprived the accused of due process of law as well as the members are all men of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo. Considering this, the sentenced of the Bonifacios brothers is not a legal anymore and sad to say that Bonifacios brothers died for the accusation which is not valid or not reasonable.

The Separate Opinions

“I agree with what Haydee Yorac said, the court is not a supreme because it is infallible, but rather, it is infallible because it is supreme”. – Jeriel Laurel

There are differences in the process of trial in the past and in the trial nowadays. Maybe the war council is wrong with their proceeding but at some point the trial happened for us to learn with which the proper and valid. The trial of Andres Bonifacio serves as the example of wrong justice that will rectify the present as well as the future court hearings/trials. As what Haydee Yorac said, the court is not a supreme because it is infallible, but rather, it is infallible because it is supreme. This statement is a proof that every institution is not created without any mistakes but created for not creating mistakes.

The opinions give the color on this book. As they say what is on their mind, the readers will help to fully understand the situation between the trial and the decision. And with this, we will say that this book succeeded in their objectives and able to answer all the questions that are unclearly answered. The book was an effective instrument in realizing the worth of knowledge as well as the right of having the truth behind every decision.

The whole book

“Actually, the entire trial came to a certain point that leads to a one biased result.” – Jennifer Magdaraog

Bonifacio was guilty for the first place considering all evidences not set for a fair trial. The jury were composed of judges that came from Aguinaldo’s tribunal which also sent a lawyer for Aguinaldo. Bonifacio who is officially condemned him as guilty. Death penalty was set to be the destination of Bonifacio trial regardless of their evidences set to revise the said judgment. On the same side, Bonifacio never tend to defend himself to explain his part for those judgments. On a sad part, Bonifacio died on the hands of his fellow countrymen. Internal issues where never resolved that leads to the death of the said Supremo. Kataas-taasang, kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan was set worthless where the founder was set to die within judgment out on certain belongingness. Lately, the said trial never on a legal basis where it is fueled by politics and will never be considered as a fair judgment.

“In the trial of andres bonifacio, our ancestors lack in strategy. They know very little about warfare.” – Pamela Marie Marbas

In a way, they are all lost. As i read the book i imagined and saw the film that we watched last time. Also, not to boost but i’m part of Culture and Theater Arts last semester where we taught to sing, dance and act on stage just to say, poor acting for Alfred Vargas who does not look like a katipunero at all. The way he dress, i know there’s much something inside of him that is not shown or describe in the book. It would have been more convincing for Javier Daily, who played the role of Procopio Bonifacio, to take on Andres Bonifacio’s character. He was able to show deeper emotions than Alfred Vargas, the story where Andres Bonifacio is blinded by his desire to attain freedom that he stops at nothing. I think Bonifacio is innocent, as far as the charges in the trial go it’s just that too many people are simply after his head. 

Emilio Aguinaldo maybe lost his balls as ma’am says. He never really does anything to set things right Emilio just argues endlessly. At the end of the day, he gives in to other people’s demands. He could be the first figurehead president in Philippine Government.

The generels are among the bottom feeders in the story. They love having power and pass up nothing to keep it; even if it extends to killing the one person who started the revolution. They afraid and poisoned by their own envy and greed, the Katipuneros are not a caurageous as well. They betray out of fear and assumption of personal gain. Only a handful of the Katipuneros stay true to their supremo.

Bonifacio was the idealist because he believed the Katipuneros would win despite their limited resources because they were fired by the spirit of liberty. Every detail clicks into place, every moment showed our heroes ambitions, tactics and flaws that can make us realize that the dirty and venomous politicing happening in present Philippines is in our blood and can be traced back to more than a century ago.

We may have differences in belief, but what will make us forward is how we set aside those differences and work together as one nation.

Let us learn from the katipunan’s number one mistake: they failed the first attempt in revolting against the Spaniards because the other katipunero’s were late. In our struggle for development, let us all be prompt and early, eager to face the challeges of tomorrow.

“In my own opinion, i recognize Andres Bonifacio as a hero because he raise a revolution group in order to be free every Filipinos from the Spanish colonization.” – Margie Villasana

He is brave, strong man and lovable for his own country because he is willing to fight against Spanish even if he is alone and he willing to sacrifice his life in order to achieve his goal. i’ve learn a lot about the trial of Andres Bonifacio because he awake every Filipinos to know that they have right to fight for their freedom, giving importance and loving our country is the thing i should contribute to our country fellowmen, learned how to value your country where you came from.

“In that time, some filipino’s are already dishonest.” – Ladyfer Fernandez

They did not seek their attention on the poor person even though they help them in revolution to fights for our rights. Bonifacio was legend of Philippine revolution, he gives his best in our country but in the eye of other he was still traitor.


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