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Ethical impacts for Google stakeholders

Paper Type: Free Assignment Study Level: University / Undergraduate
Wordcount: 426 words Published: 17th Jun 2020

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Name several Google stakeholders and explain how each one of them is affected by ethical considerations of Google


As an organisation with quite literally a global reach, Google have many stakeholders who will be affected by their actions to varying degrees. From the perspective of ethical or socially responsible business behaviour, the stakeholders most likely to be affected by Google's actions include employees and suppliers who interact with Google directly, and also individuals and businesses who make use of Google. Internal stakeholders such as employees are likely to be influenced by whether or not they work for an organisation which prides itself as having ethical standards. According to Weiss (2014) this is often important to employees who are keen to work for a business which shares the same social and ethical values. Similarly for suppliers, it is important that they provide products and services to an organisation which not only treats its suppliers with respect, for example paying invoices in a timely manner, but also ensures that the products and services which sources are obtained via an ethical supply chain (Hoejmose et al., 2013). A simple example might be ensuring that the food and drink which is provided in cafeterias of Google comes from fairtrade or sustainable sources. Outside of Google, individuals and businesses which makes use of the service as it provides are also affected by its decision-making. Examples might include individuals or businesses who find themselves the subject of false and/or malicious discussions on the Internet, which Google can remove. An example would be a recent legislative ruling promoting the right to be forgotten on the Internet (Bennett, 2012), which in practice means removing outdated information. Whilst Google cannot necessarily control the information published on the Internet itself they can monitor it and ensure that they are not inadvertently promoting false information, which would be unethical.


Bennett, S. C., (2012) Right to be forgotten: Reconciling EU and US perspectives, the. Berkeley Journal of International Law, 30, 161. Hoejmose, S., Brammer, S., and Millington, A., (2013) An empirical examination of the relationship between business strategy and socially responsible supply chain management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(5), 589-621. Weiss, J. W., (2014) Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.


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